Step 10: Your personal details (continued)
1. 以下の日本語訳を参照しご回答下さい。
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing(農業、林業、漁業)/ Mining(鉱業)/ Manufacturing(製造業)/ Electricity, Gas and Water Supply(電気、ガス、水道事業)/ Arts and Recreational Services(芸術や娯楽業界)/ Construction(建設業)/ Retail Trade(小売業)/ Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants(宿泊、飲食業)/ Transport and Storage(運輸、倉庫業)/ Communication Services(通信)/ Finance and Insurance(金融・保険業)/ Property and Business Services(不動産)/ Government Administration and Defense(政府関係機関)/ Education(教育機関)/ Health and Community Services(医療、公共サービス)/ Cultural and Recreation Service(文化事業)/ Personal and Other services(自営業等)/ Others(その他)
Higher Degree course(高等学位課程)/ Degree course(学位課程)/ Diploma course(ディプロマ課程)/ Technical or Training Certificate (技術・研修修了資格)/ College Degree(大学卒業)/ Senior High School Degree or Certificate(高校卒業資格)/ Junior High School Degree, Certificate or Report(中学卒業資格)/ Other(その他)
2. 選択し終わったら、赤枠で囲ってある"Next"をクリックし、次に進む。